Catatan Nusakambangan : Chapter II

on Monday, January 21, 2008

Oya menyambung tentang Nusakambangan...hmmm...kali ini karena Pulau yang 80% difungsikan sebagai pembinaan warga pemasyarakatan (bahasa dulu : narapidana) aku berkesempatan ke international Harm Reduction conference di Barcelona- Spanyol. Memang masih beberapa bulan lagi untuk persiapan, yaitu bulan May 2008 nanti. Hahaha...walaupun sudah resmi diterima oleh committe-nya sampai sekarang masih ribet ngurusin "tetek bengek" persiapan ke sana (hmm...tetek koq pake bengek ya? aneh..???)

Oya ini abstract yang aku susun, moga bisa bermanfaat untuk teman-teman...

Setting up Continum of Care for Prisoners in Nusakambangan Cilacap District, Central Java, Indonesia
Agus Aribowo


Issues :
This advocacy aim to form the network of prevention, & CST for HIV/AIDS in Nusakambangan prison. For a while, activity done just to education but at same time HIV and AIDS cases in prison progressively mount.

Setting :
Primary audience in advocacy activity is : AIDS Commission, Prison of Nusakambangan, Health Department, Law & Human Right Department, NGOs, District Hospital, Public Health Care.

Human resources of medical services are as follows : 1 medical doctor, 1 dentist and 5 paramedics. Health facility still minimum. There were 4 prisoners died since 2004 till September 2007. There were 11 cases of HIV reactive among 200 prisoners tested by Margono Hospital in 2006. ART have been given to 2 PLWHA. Cilacap Hospital has not been trained yet for CST services.

Process :
Major role and competence in this situation should be District AIDS Commission. By signing agreement to Involve all audiences should deserve an effect on in this program. Advocacy to Law & Human Right Department of Central Java related to : policy support for HIV/AIDS program, especially in registration & delivery system of prisoners to Nusakambangan should be provided with the respective medical record. NGOs give the service HIV/AIDS education and health reference information for prison staffs and prisoners. Prison doctor give counseling of drug’s addiction in prison. Public Health Care as service reference health of base also medication of OI and STI. District Hospital as service reference CST.

All activities should be in line with agreement and SoP under District AIDS Commission coordination.

Outcomes :
All target audiences could set up comprehensive health services system supporting prisoners in Nusakambangan.

Key words :
Nusakambangan, Prisoner, HIV/AIDS, reference, comprehensive, coordination